Hamilton’s National FFA Range Contest members are Oklahoma City bound. Team members include Emily Eller, Alina Eilers, Alex Thiele, Joseph Polster, Bret Bauman, Grant Bauman, and advisor, Terry Baize. Courtesy photo
Christie Keay with the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension office will be conducting a program at the Community Center May 10, at 11 a.m. HDL, LDL, Triglycerides…what’s the difference?
The Hamilton FFA Horse Judging Team placed 1st in district and 4th in area at the Tarleton Area CDEs held recently at Tarleton State University. This placing qualified them to compete in the Texas FFA State Horse Judging Contest that will be held at Texas Tech University. Peyton Raibourn was the 4th high individual in the contest. Team members were Kazdon Thedford, Peyton Raibourn, Braylee Wilson and Nic Adams. Above right, the Hamilton FFA Wildlife CDE team competed in the Texas FFA State Wildlife CDE held on the Cook Canyon Ranch near Ranger. They represented Hamilton FFA well and did a great job placing 18th out of 63 teams. The team members were Alina Eilers, Wesley Griffin, Alex Thiele and John Polster. Courtesy photo
SHINING APPLE- Hamilton High School seniors honored teachers who affected their lives in a Shining Apple ceremony Sunday. Pictured right are Taylor Long speaking and Amber Tyson, Presley Sliger, Caleb Lengefeld and Cash Kneuper as they lovingly “roasted” Miles Sellers. Staff Photo/Kym Jeschke
Healthy grab-and-go meals are an easy and healthy cost-effective alternative to eating out on your lunch break. Eating salad for meals is one step to keep you on track to maintain your goal weight. With a large variety of ingredients and flavors to choose from, salad jars are a great way to have a meal loaded with nutritious vitamins and minerals.