How can I get an event publicized?
You can purchase an ad and/or submit a press release about your event. Call 254-386-3145 or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com for more information.
What should be included in a press release?
Basically 5Ws – Who, What, When, Where and Why – and one H – How. Please include a contact number in case we need more information. Also, feel free to include a photo.
What are HHN deadlines?
Deadline for advertising and editorial materials is 10 a.m. Tuesday. Call us at 254-386-3145 for more information, or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com
How can I submit a letter to the editor?
Call us at 254-386-3145 for details, or e-mail maria@hhnpaper.com. Letters to the editor must be signed and include a phone number (number will not be published).
Is there a word limit for letters to the editor?
The shorter, the better; 200 words should be the maximum.
How can I improve my chances of getting my letter published?
Keep it brief. Choose your words carefully; letters that contain libelous or slanderous statements will be edited or rejected. Don’t send us copies of other people’s work. We don’t publish political endorsements. We won’t publish obvious organized attempts to flood us with mail on a given topic. We won’t publish form letters, anonymous letters or letters submitted without phone numbers for verification.
What’s the difference between a letter to the editor and a card of thanks?
A letter to the editor is the writer’s opinion. A card of thanks lists people who helped with an event or helped the writer in a time of need, etc. Letters to the editor are free and should be limited to 200 words or less. A card of thanks is $5 for the first 50 words and 10 cents a word thereafter. Call 254-386-3145 or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com if you need more information.
How can I submit an obituary?
Usually the funeral home submits these on behalf of the families, but we will also accept them from family members if they can be verified.
How much does an obit cost?
Hamilton Herald-News publishes standard obituaries free. Standard obits include name and age of the deceased, funeral service and burial information, brief biographical information, survivors and memorial designation. Photos are $20. Lengthy obituaries or those with more than standard obituary information are $5 per column inch. For more information, e-mail info@hhnpaper.com or call 254-386-3145.
I write poetry. Can I send you my poems to publish in the HHN?
No. Our space is limited, and we do not run poetry. If you would like to purchase an ad to publish your poem, call 254-386-3145 or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com.
I want to submit a photo. What are the requirements?
Headshots should be at least 2 inches wide and 200 dpi. Photos of scenery or large groups should be at least 8 inches wide and at least 200 dpi. Call 254-386-3145 or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com for additional details.
How can I place a classified ad?
You can e-mail, fax or call in your classified ad. The charge is $5 for up to 30 words and 10 cents a word thereafter. Single-run classifieds (garage sales, etc.) must be paid for in advance. Call 254-386-3145 or e-mail info@hhnpaper.com for more information.
What if I see something in the HHN that is incorrect?
Please call us at 254-386-3145 and we can discuss a correction or retraction.
Can I purchase a photo I like in your paper?
Yes, if it’s ours. You can tell it’s ours if it says “Staff Photo.” We can e-mail it to you or save it on a disk. Call Tamee at 254-386-3145 for pricing details.
Where else can I find you online?
Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!