PCO/HHN COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOWL PICK'EM CHAMPS: Pecan Creek Outfitters and the Hamilton Herald-News partnered two weeks ago in offering a college football bowl pick'em challenge. Out of 47 participants, eight picked seven out of ten correct winners, including Joel and Kim Kinsey, Lori Dean, Victor Garcia, Randy Dyer, Josh Christian, Miles Sellers and Habert Hopper. Only two picked eight out of ten correct winners, including Bret Partain and the mother and son duo of Candace and Maddox Stroud. Breaking a first place tie, the Stroud submission won the first tie breaker by predicting the closest score in the Michigan and Alabama matchup. Pictured (l-r), Abbie Housden Creasey of Pecan Creek Outfitters presents a PCO gift basket to the 2023-24 PCO/HHN College Football Bowl Pick'em winners, Candace and Maddox Stroud.